Back in the UK

I came back in January to Glasgow School of Art - Third Year - and immediately started tackling a large etching plate - 1m by 70 cm. The themes of cattle, history and the people who traded these animals has proved a source of images. I had the opportunity to research the archive of the Inverness Courier going back to 1817, to read accounts of pedigreed sales and mind boggling prices in today’s terms. Photographs of my grandfather - a cattle dealer- crashing his car on Skye provide a personal link to this world, now passing.

Our year held a successful exhibition at the Glue Factory in Glasgow just before the virus shut everything down. 59 artists working together to create an amazingly varied show, with added gin.

So, I like everyone else, am home in lockdown. I have some big canvases, some paint and some ideas - so will keep this blog going about what happens